Every three years, each Girl Scout council in the country sends elected delegates to the National Council Meeting to assume one of the major rights and most serious responsibilities in Girl Scouting.
The next National Council Meeting will be held in Houston, Texas, Nov. 10-13, and Girl Scouts of Western Ohio will be eligible to send 28 national council delegates to the meeting.
In order to be inclusive, Girl Scouts of Western Ohio pays national council delegate expenses. However, individuals selected may choose to pay all or a portion of the cost to attend Information will be provided at a later date for those individuals interested in attending the national council session as a visitor.
The role of the national council delegate has been studied by the national board of directors and the following criteria are recommended for selection of national council delegates:
- Ability to think strategically and focus on the future of the Girl Scout Movement
- Experience in policy-influencing and policy-making positions
- Demonstrated knowledge about the workings of councils and the Movement
- Ability to analyze issues from a national, as well as a council, perspective as National Council actions and decisions have national implications
- Commitment to attending all council and GSUSA training sessions in order to be as informed as possible about the issues and democratic process used at the National Council Session
- Willingness to support all the decisions of the National Council.
If you are interested in attending this meeting as a national council delegate, are a citizen of the United States, are a registered member of Girl Scouts of the U.S.A., and are 14 years of age or older, please send a letter of application to the following address no later than January 7, 2011:
Girl Scouts of Western Ohio
4930 Cornell Road
Cincinnati, OH 45242
Attn: Board Development Committee
Your letter of application should include the following: name, address, and phone number; present Girl Scout position and current occupation; other positions you have held in Girl Scouting and in the community; any awards or honors you have received within or outside of Girl Scouting; and a statement of 50 words or less on why you would make a good national council delegate for Girl Scouts of Western Ohio.
For more information visit our website here.