2011 Woman of Leadership Hall of Fame Recipients

Girl Scouts of Western Ohio in Dayton is pleased to announce its 2011 Woman of Leadership Hall of Fame recipients. 

They are:
·         Charlotte Harris, Ed. D., Wright State University
·         Madonna Homan, Girl Scout Volunteer
·         Yvonne Isaacs, Dayton Public Schools, Board Member
·         Joyce Davis Willis, Community Volunteer

A luncheon to honor the recipients was held Tuesday, March 29, 2011 at Sinclair Community College, Ponitz Center in Dayton.

The Woman of Leadership Hall of Fame Award was established in 2002 to honor the many exceptional women in the greater Dayton area. The recipients exemplify the spirit of Girl Scouting, are role models and problem-solvers, maintain high standards of personal conduct and are committed to the betterment of society.

Vote for Girl Scout volunteers

Two Girl Scouts of Western Ohio volunteers, Kay Quinton (Dayton area) and April Jameson (Lima area) have been nominated for the Community Volunteer of the Year award presented by Hands On West Central Ohio and Hits 105.5 FM.  This award is given each year to one deserving volunteer in the following counties: Darke, Logan, Miami and Shelby.

Let’s help honor these two volunteers by voting at http://www.hits1055.com/ starting Monday, March 28.  Voting ends April 6 at midnight. You can vote as many times as you want.

This is a great opportunity to recognize Girl Scout volunteers for their outstanding volunteer efforts to help build girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.

Earth Hour - this Saturday!

Earth Hour is a global initiative that invites individuals, businesses, governments and communities to turn off their lights for one hour – 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 26 – to show support for environmentally sustainable action. In the United States, Earth Hour is partnering with the Girl Scouts to bring the movement to life.

Girl Scouts is parterning with Earth Hour to bring this movement to life.

Seventeen councils are specifically involved in this pilot for this years' Earth Hour, but we are inviting all girls in Girl Scouts of Western Ohio to participate too!

From a GSUSA press release:
Initially a single-city initiative in Sydney, Australia, in 2007, Earth Hour has become a global movement in which hundreds of millions of people from every continent join together to acknowledge the importance of protecting and improving the planet. Earth Hour 2010 was the world’s largest global climate change initiative, with millions of participants in more than 4,600 cities across nearly 130 countries and territories. Since its inception in 2007, Earth Hour’s iconic “lights out” event has seen some of the world’s most recognized landmarks switch off their lights, including the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Buckingham Palace in London, San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge and the Forbidden City in China.

To see the complete press release and to learn more about Earth Hour, visit this link: http://www.girlscouts.org/news/news_releases/2011/girlscouts_and_earth_hour.asp

Let's do our part in recognizing the importance of protecting our enviroment and the planet.

How can we help Japan?

As the tragedy in Japan continues to unfold after Friday's 8.9 magnitude earthquake and the tsunami that followed, we are left to wonder how can we help?

What can we do?

There are several reputable organizations you can contact to offer help.

GSUSA's blog has the organizations listed here: http://blog.girlscouts.org/2011/03/how-can-you-help-japan.html

Girl Scouts of Western Ohio staff, volunteers, girls and parents continue to keep Japan in our thoughts and prayers.

2011 Woman of Distinction Honorees

Girl Scouts of Western Ohio in Cincinnati is pleased to announce its 2011 Woman of Distinction honorees.  They are:
·         Kathleen Burklow, Ph.D., Harmony Garden
·         Kimber Fender, Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County
·         S. Kay Geiger, PNC Bank
·         Kathleen Kelly, Kroger Personal Finance
·         Mary Stagaman, Agenda 360
·         Barbara Terry, United Way of Greater Cincinnati

The reception will be hosted by John and Betsy LaMacchia (1994 Woman of Distinction) on Wednesday, March 8 at private downtown Cincinnati club.

Sponsoring companies include: Dawes LLP and PNC Bank, Platinum Level; Bartlett & Co., Cincinnati Financial, Clark Schaefer Hackett, Planes Moving and Storage, RiverPoint Capital Management and Turnbull-Wahlert Construction, Gold Level; Maguire Agency, Silver Level; and Horan Associates, The Kroger Company, Mutual of America, Nestle and Saralux, Bronze Level.

Julie Isphording (1992 Woman of Distinction), author, talk show host and public speaker is the Emcee.

The Woman of Distinction Award was established in 1990 to recognize the significant achievements of women who demonstrate strong initiative and personal leadership on issues related to women and girls.  While some of these women are well-known, others have worked quietly to accomplish their goals. Each honoree is an important role model for today's Girl Scout. Her life and work exemplify the values of Girl Scouting.

Girl Scout Week - March 6-12

On March 6-12 we celebrate the founding of Girl Scouts nearly 100 years ago. Juliette Gordon Low's vision started with 18 girls in Savannah, Georgia in 1912, and has grown and thrives today because of the dedication of our volunteers who deliver the Girl Scout Leadership Experience.

As we celebrate the anniversary of Girl Scouts, why not thiank a special Girl Scout in your life with a gift to Girl Scouts of Western Ohio? By making a tax deductible gift, you will pay tribute to someone who has made a difference in your life and support Girl Scouts of Western Ohio.

This is a wonderful opportunity to thank a dedicated individual while support Girl Scouts.

For more information on how to honor a special Girl Scout in your life, please contact Sara Freeman at 419-243-8216 or make a donation online by visiting https://forms.girlscoutsofwesternohio.org/forms/donationform.htm

Vote for the Girl Scouts in the FIRST Lego League Global Innovation Awards

There are three Girl Scout FIRST Lego League teams in a field of more than 120 teams in the FIRST Lego League Global Innovation Award competition (http://www.firstlegoleague.org/).

The winner of the Global Innovation Award will receive a grant for up to $20,000 to fund a full utility patent for their device; the top three are invited to the awards ceremony in Washington, D.C. and will present their projects to the US Patent and Trade Office.

1. The Flying Monkeys (Iowa) - this team created a prosthetic hand device (the BOB-1) for a 3-year-old girl in Georgia who was born without fingers. The device allowed her to write for the first time! These Girl Scouts won the Regional and State Lego League awards for their device. The BOB-1 device is officially "patent pending" and they are in 3rd place currently in the competition.

To vote for The Flying Monkeys: http://fllinnovationaward.firstlegoleague.org/teams/flying-monkeys/submission/bob-1-hand-device

2. The LOL Comets won the Los Angeles Regional Champions Award for their innovation - this third year team created a KAT Map, an indoor GPS for the blind. They are currently in 41st place.

To vote for The LOL Coments: http://fllinnovationaward.firstlegoleague.org/teams/lol-comets/submission/kat-map-door-gps-blind

3. The Dbots from Pasadena, CA, are currently in 104th place with their Shirt of Awesomeness . They were honored for their teamwork, robot design and project idea. They are working on the details of how to build a shirt that would be a back brace for middle school students who have heavy backpack loads and for those with scoliosis who need a brace to correct their medical condition.

To vote for The Dbots: http://fllinnovationaward.firstlegoleague.org/teams/d-bots/submission/shirt-awesomeness

Right now the Girl Scouts need votes! Voting closes March 18 and it would be great if we could do our part to help our sister Girl Scouts!!

Girl Scout Cookie booth sales start today!

Have you eaten all those Thin Mints and Samoas already? Or maybe you realized that you didn't order enough to last a whole year.

Don't fret - today is your lucky day!

Today, booth sales start in western Ohio and you can buy your fill of all six varieties of Girl Scout Cookies!

Not sure where to find a cookie booth near you?

We have a solution - visit our website http://www.girlscoutsofwesternohio.org/ and click on the "Cookie Locator" banner. Then, you just type in your zip code and viola! - a list of booths near you appears.

Or, if you're feeling especially 'high tech' and have an iPhone or Android device, simply dial **GSCOOKIES and download the free "Cookie Locator Mobile App" right to your phone. The locator uses either GPS or your zip code to locate booths near you. And, you can also have fun - take a cookie personality quiz, learn the nutritional value of the cookies, and then share all that information with your friends and family via Facebook, Twitter or e-mail.

Booth sales run through April 3.